Check out the new, amazing career site designed by the marketing team. Need your own custom WordPress site? We can help.
Feb 8th – El Paso, TX Generate More Leads
Details and how to sign up for the session can be found here
This Month in Real Estate – Keller Williams Realty Video Codes

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Email to Text – New Affordable Text Messaging Service
Email to Text in seconds! Check out this texting tool. cloudHQ’s blog highlights a pretty powerful marketing tool. Emails can get lost in the shuffle. Phone calls don’t always get answered. But texts? Everyone checks texts. We have become a nation of Pavlov’s dogs when it comes to text. We just can’t resist. Studies have shown that engagement via text is over 90%.
This Chrome extension app will allow you to text directly from your email. You can send your email to them via text. Can’t get any better than that. The first 10 each month are free and then $1.90 for 1,ooo per month. Click the image below to go to the app. You have to be in Chrome of course for it to work.
ONE Thing Workshop Next Week in Malvern, PA
ONE Thing Workshop Update – Registration just closed yesterday for this session and we ended up with 158 people. 158 people that are ready to make a change in their business and personal future. Looking forward to being with all of them next week in Malvern, PA.
For those attending next week. There is no need for you to bring a laptop. You will receive a workbook and a hard cover copy of the ONE Thing book. For those that can’t attend? Are you interested in having a workshop in your area? Contact me on this site. It can be taught pretty much everywhere and for any company or organization.
December 2016 Technology Tidbits
Build That Brand Of Yours |
Brand creation sounds so easy, yet many struggle with on a daily basis. Sites like can help IF you know what you want. Sometimes you need help in creation and ongoing building of the brand. Here are 3 suggestions to help you:
1. Get an Expert Brand Developer My design team has the great fortune of bringing on a brand and logo design expert to our team. He has worked for years helping business in all industries. He is offering 3 levels of consultation to get you the perfect brand. View the design levels here.
2. Google to the rescue – Google has made the Nik Collection free. Great, awesome..what is it? It is a collection of powerful photo editing software tools. Perfect for the DIYs in the room to use when building their brand. Check out the Nik Collection and other powerful tools from Google.